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 10 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Hermann Jedding"Advanced Search
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'The Balcony', 1868-1869.Artist: Edouard Manet
'La Viennoise: Portrait of Irma Brunner', 1882.Artist: Edouard Manet
'Argenteuil', 1874.Artist: Edouard Manet
'Blonde Woman with Bare Breasts', 1878.Artist: Edouard Manet
'Young Girl on the Threshold of the Garden at Bellevue', 1880.Artist: Edouard Manet
'The Fifer', 1866.Artist: Edouard Manet
Emile Zola (1840-1902), French novellist, 1868.Artist: Edouard Manet
'Portrait of Lina Campineanu', 1878.Artist: Edouard Manet
'Still Life with Flowers', 1882.Artist: Edouard Manet
'The Garden at Bellevue', 1880.Artist: Edouard Manet